AG8旗舰厅·(中国大陆)集团Apple Storeag8旗舰厅

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en.优势jpg.jpgOne, brand support:
Authorized the use of "Gang" trademark, unified management, unified retail price of unity, unified image of the store, VI image design, packaging, public relations planning overall show "Gang paint" brand image.

Two, the store support:
Including the storefront locations, forecast, risk assessment, store design, construction scheme, publicity and other one-stop support, help you to the fastest speed of vertical store.

Three, training support:
The store clerk long and provide a comprehensive system of marketing training guide, shopping guide from the display of goods, customers psychological analysis, promotions and sales skills, help the franchisee to quickly master the operation skills and management ability.

Four, the advertisement support:
The nation sends the brand advertising, comprehensive coverage of CCTV, each big local TV, such as Sina, Sohu, Baidu, Netease portal websites, newspapers, magazines and other media, the store can be used for fast brand image promotion, and thus brings billow source.

Five, product support:
A strong product development and production capacity, the new varieties of supply, to ensure that their products with strong market competitiveness, and capture the market the highest point.

Six, service support:
Strong logistics distribution center, with the international Internet e-commerce platform, and the intelligent decision-making operation management system, to ensure the accurate and quick to join around the business purchase items delivered to the designated locations.

Seven, technical support:
Perfect goods system, ensure the franchisee business worry free; regular inspection, to understand the business around the situation, understand the market dynamics, to help dealers to analyze and solve practical problems in the management of.

Eight, policy support:
Values of protection policies, provide to the dealer a relaxed business environment, ensuring the maximization of their interests. 